Looking for a crystal for confidence and charisma? Red Jasper is your calling your name!
When life seems to throw everything at you, it can be hard to not use your time being scared and contemplating "should I?" or "what if?". It takes bravery and vulnerability to admit when you're scared & afraid. This is why you should take every chance and opportunity to lead your life down another path. Whether its applying or starting a new job, beginning a new business, moving to a new place or perhaps entertaining the idea of starting a new relationship, we all need a little bit of confidence to be able to take that next step.
That's where Red Jasper can give you the nudge you need to stop denying yourself the opportunity and to take a dive into the unknown.
Red Jasper comes in colours largely of reds and terracotta red-brown, often mixed in with other minerals.
It is a stone associated with the art of theatre, giving both actresses and actors that extra flair of confidence and charisma to really convince an audience of the story being told. Have a Red Jasper in your pocket, in your study or bedroom, as a pendant, or simply beside you during your next work meeting (Zoom or not!) to give you that extra bit of nerve to pitch in your great ideas for your next workplace project or suggestions. Be sure to take ownership of your ideas when you present them, don't let the power of Red Jasper go to waste!
To assist with your confidence, Red Jasper has the added benefit of assisting with psychic protection to prevent psychic attacks. You don't need the added negative energy of others that may want your opportunity for themselves or take pleasure in seeing others not succeed to their fullest potential.
How often should I cleanse my Red Jasper crystal?
There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to how often you should cleanse your Red Jasper crystal. It is recommended to cleanse your crystal once a month or when it is necessary. Red Jasper and Jasper is a powerful stone so it absorbs a lot of energy from the environment and those around it.
How can I meditate with Red Jasper?
When meditating with Red Jasper, you can choose to either hold it in your home, have it placed in front of you, or place it around your root chakra which is located at the base of your spine. You can also practice visualisation techniques during meditation. For instance, visualizing a vibrant red light around you which expands for the intention of balancing your root chakra and energy.
Its time to step out of the shadows and to take a leap of faith in life. Don't waste your chance or your time with the little things. The worst thing you can do is to stop trying. Go out into the world and take a chance with your Jasper crystal by your side.
Let us know how you wear or use Red Jasper in your daily life?
Is there another crystal to prefer to use for confidence and motivation?
Let us know in the comments below!